Branding, Merchandise, Social Media


Event Photography by Alexis Capelle
Due to COVID, one of WSAM Alternative Radio’s yearly traditions was delayed for years. Live from the Lawn is an all-day music festival highlighting both Connecticut DIY acts, and national touring artists. To reintroduce the festival in 2022, I wanted to give the festival a consistent visual identity befitting the energy and history of it.

Past flyers did not have a cohesive design style, however to unify the brand, I wanted to pull elements from the past. Specifically, the bold typography and colors of April 2018’s and the softer illustrations and graphics of Fall 2019’s. 

With two seperate marks for small and large application, I wanted the bold independent feel of LFTL to come through. To complete the acronym mark, an alluded sun links the two L’s.

As a surprise announcement, the following motion graphic was made for Instagram.

The event fliers focus heavily on the artists, with very minimal accessory visuals. Contrasting the clean typography of the banner title, the type has a chunky blocky feel. Angled and fading drop shadows make the artist names shout off the page even more. 

For the second festival, I introduced tattoo flash-sheet style illustrations as a way to differentiate from the branding of the first festival.

Artist highlights for Instagram stories.